You are invited to join us for an online informational workshop on Generational Estate Planning for Baby Boomers
Online Generational Estate Planning Workshop
Register today and watch the class online. We also send out a replay of the workshop if you cant attend!
You can watch the online workshop from your mobile device or computer.
Define Family Culture
Learn how to create and document the family culture and values that you want to pass on to your loved ones.
Setting Family Goals
Intra-family loans, college education, supporting minor children, enjoying vacations. Learn how to prioritize what's important so you can help fund your future generation.
Financial Concepts
The best way to teach children and young adults about money is to weave lessons into daily life. Learn how to make money
an open subject in the household.
Prepare Heirs and Executors
Too often family members are completely perplexed when a loved one dies. Learn what to do first and how to take action.
Avoid Mistakes
Find out the critical mistakes high-net-worth investors make when it comes to transferring wealth to the next generation.
We will discuss the following:
Why we created this online workshop:
If you're like most hardworking Americans, you value what you've saved and passing along your wealth to your loved ones can be a huge priority.
Chances are you've worried about how to transfer your assets to your heirs while also making sure that your personal values and family goals continue indefinitely into the future.
We host these workshops to help inform those who are looking for clarity on an estate plan that survives the next generation.

Financial advisory services offered through Covenant Wealth Advisors (CWA), a Registered Investment Adviser. Mark Fonville is an Investment Advisor Representative with CWA. Covenant Wealth Advisors does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. Clients should obtain their own independent legal, tax, or accounting advice based on their particular circumstances. All e-mails sent to and from this address are subject to archival and review.